Time certain period to predict - predict 5 minute, then there is one Student woman which arrive - arrive to scream hysterically. After a few times Student to go of woman other. Student that possesed by a spirit soul to yell request. Situation in that class add to intrude, all Teacher panicity and call bright people to control that situation.
Time need about 2 hour to be is optimal of situation in this school. Student which possesed by a spirit beginning gradually conciousness, from some which is confirmation not many conscious of occurence befalling them.
That occurence is anticipated by continuation of day yesterday its his. tired Student moment after following Extra Kulikuler Inauguration of Boy scout. That Activity of execution in that school, precisely in page of back. Sign - that occurence sign have earned to be felt by teacher and student. There are some bizzare occurence recently and make some fear student. That oddity is felt from school toilet which is its plan will be moved.
To be estimated by early this occurence from plan go to school to unload toilet old ones। Some from staff learn supposition, there is watcher in toilet. Anticipated by watcher of that.
Source : Trans TV “REPORTASE SORE”
(17.00 – 17.30)
Tuesday, Mei – 27 - 2008
2 Akuntansi – I
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